CloudNewsMarch 29, 20210Kubermatic releases KubeOne 1.2

Kubermatic announced the general availability of KubeOne 1.2, the latest release of its open-source cluster lifecycle management tool.

Kubermatic announced the release of the latest version of its open-source cluster lifecycle management tool, KubeOne 1.2. The solution focuses on community-driven improvements and paves the way for upcoming releases that incorporate even more features. The company announced that they have introduced various new features and breaking changes to improve the user experience.

Features and improvements:

  • Docker (Dockershim) is deprecated
  • Volume Snapshot advances the application and cluster level backups 
  • kubectl debug facilitates debugging any Kubernetes workflow
  • Exec Probe timeouts are now handled properly. Previously, Exec Probes had no timeout if it was not explicitly specified. With this release, all Exec Probes that don’t explicitly specify the timeout will have the default timeout of one second. So make sure to adjust your Exec Probes accordingly if you’re using those
  • API Priority and Fairness (APF) allows the Kubernetes API server to categorize incoming requests by priority levels 

With the release of Kubernetes 1.20, Dockershim is deprecated. Starting from Kubernetes 1.23, using Docker on Kubernetes nodes will not be possible. Instead, a Container Runtime Interface compatible container runtime like containerd must be used. KubeOne 1.20 release allows users to provision clusters using containerd. Kubermatic will also provide a migration path for existing clusters created by KubeOne in one of the releases.


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